среда, 21 апреля 2010 г.

It is a new kind of tourism, - Toy travel. If you do not have possibility to visit our state (Ukraine) and our city (Zaporozhye), you can send your Favourite soft toy which instead of you will visit all sights of our city in our city

Zaporozhye is considered one of the most beautiful cities of Ukraine.

On the termination of this travel, we will prepare the beautiful booklet, and the certificate that your toy has made fantastic travel to our country. And it is final your toy full of strength and energy will go back to you home and will bring to you many positive emotions.

Let your true plush friends will take pleasure in this unusual travel, your toy has deserved this holiday!

Service cost only 49 Euros.

That is necessary for travel:

1) to Prepare electronic letter, where to fill out a name of a toy and time when you plan to poison your toy. The letter send on an electronic box: valfedorchenko@rambler.ru
2) Send your favourite toy on our address: Ukraine, the Zaporozhye area, the Index 69000, the city of Zaporozhye, Lermontov's street 21, apartment 1. To Fedorchenko Valentine.
3) Please, place your toy in a rigid reliable box which also can be used for returning back.
4) We will confirm arrivals of your friend by e-mail.
5) After acknowledgement on arrival of your toy pay necessary суму: http://www.webmoney.ru/, WMID: 106713414173, 49 Euros, Code E313879858258
6) Your Toy will participate in a fascinating adventure.
7) After the trip termination, we deliver yours the friend to you.